For many parents, it is difficult to get your baby into a regular sleep routine. Here are some tips on how to get your toddler used to regular bedtimes.
Start early
How can you get a newborn used to a regular sleep schedule? This question not only concerns many parents, many experts and various newspaper articles also deal with this important topic. Newborns cannot distinguish between day and night immediately after birth. That's why parents should help their baby get used to fixed times of day and night as early as possible . For example, the noise level of the surrounding area helps. Make sure that the apartment is quiet at bedtime; during the day there may be background noise such as music or radio. Light also plays a role. As soon as your child wakes up from sleep, you should light up the room; if he is sleeping, darken it.
If your baby wakes up at night, for example to breastfeed or change his diaper, try to do so with as little light and noise as possible so that he falls asleep quickly. Create a routine before going to sleep at night. For example, by regularly bathing, massaging, feeding or singing lullabies. As your child gets older, you can incorporate new routines - like brushing their teeth or reading to them.

Listen to your baby
Babies' sleep needs decrease from month to month. While newborns initially sleep 16 to 17 hours a day, this usually decreases as they get older. But of course every baby is individual. When creating a sleep routine for your baby, don't just pay attention to what experts advise, but above all listen to your child's signs. Try to understand his needs and take notes on your baby's sleep from day to day.
Improve your baby's sleeping environment
A healthy sleeping environment is also important for a good sleep rhythm. Or to put it another way, an unhealthy sleep environment causes babies to wake up many times during the night. Make sure the room temperature is between 18-21°C. With blackout curtains you can turn the room into night even during the day. Make sure your baby's crib or bed meets optimal requirements. Because a baby bed that is designed and produced according to the needs of babies is the best and safest way to a healthy sleep.
With our baby beds from Hibboux you are making the right choice for your baby. The dream of a healthy and deep sleep comes true.